Vanilla Extract
2 fat vanilla beans
1/2 C vodka
1/2 C dark rum
Get a glass jar or bottle with a tight-fitting lid that will hold one cup of liquid (mine was formerly a maraschino cherry jar). Pour boiling water into it, let rest for 10 minutes to sterilize, and pour out the water. Slice the beans open lengthwise to expose the seeds (I cut mine in half first to fit into my jar better). Tuck the beans in the jar and fill with the vodka and rum. Close the jar, shake it a few times, and place it in a cool, dark cabinet. Let the jar rest in there for 8 weeks, shaking it again once or twice a week, or when it crosses your mind. The mixture will become darker and darker. You can start using your extract at the end of the eighth week. You can add additional liquor as you begin to use up the extract. Be sure to give it a shake after adding. As you use vanilla beans, you can add the empty pods to the jar to keep the extract going. It will be a never ending supply of goodness!
My little jar has been hanging out for close to 2 weeks now. I've got the day marked on the calendar that I can start using the extract. See... I told you... foodie NERD!

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